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FFXIV Caster DPS Role Actions: Guide & FAQ


Hey guys! In Stormblood, the cross-class skill system was completely replaced with the Role Action System. Here we talk all about the Caster DPS Role Actions, and what’s best to use!

What Jobs get the Caster DPS Role Actions?

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Caster DPS Role Actions list

Skill Level Recast Effect Duration
Addle 8 120 Lower target’s intelligence and mind by 15% 10
Break 12 0 40% Heavy, 50 potency. 20
Drain 16 0 Deals 80 potency and absorbs all of it as HP. NA
Diversion 20 120 Reduces enmity generation. 15
Lucid Dreaming 24 120 80 potency mana refresh and halves current enmity. 21
Swiftcast 32 60 Next spell in cast immediately. 10
Mana Shift 36 150 Transfers 20% of own MP to target party member. NA
Apocatastasis 40 150 Reduces magic damage taken by party member by 20%. 10
Surecast 44 30 Prevents Sleep, Stun, and position-altering effects
to stop casting.
Erase 48 90 Removes a single DoT from target party member other than self. NA

Caster DPS Role Actions: quick strategy & discussion

Here’s a general rundown and a quick analysis on how useful each of the Caster DPS Role actions are.

Addle: A must have for raids! Reduces the typical “large magic damage” mechanic that’s common in most encounters.

Break: I don’t think this will be very highly taken. Most classes have a built in heavy that’s probably better than this 90% of the time. It’s not inherently bad, it’s just a waste of a slot.

Drain: I struggle to imagine a scenario where this is useful in. Probably while soloing in low levels.

Diversion: Always a decent pick for adds, and burst phase on pull. Mostly good for raids.

Lucid Dreaming: Personally, this is a must for RDM and SMN, and likely better than Diversion in most cases for those two classes. Likely useless for BLM unless you need additional enmity reduction.

Mana Shift: Great for giving healers MP!

Apocatastasis: Helps your party members (more often than not, tanks) survive big nukes, and helps “ease up” on magic damage mechanics. A must in trials.

Surecast: In any encounter where you can use it, this is one of the few cross-class skills than can “increase your DPS”, so it’s worth KEEPING IN MIND. So you don’t break rotation or lose a spell. Having said all that, I’m assuming its uses are still few and far between, so I guess I’m just trying to raise awareness about this skill.

Erase: If there is any raid wherein you can use this to save from a “mistake”, take it. Otherwise, it’s useless. Very very niche, but godlike when it’s useful.


Caster DPS Role Actions for Dungeons

These role actions should be taken when “queuing blind” in a random dungeon, and should serve you well for general content.

Other skills are highly situational…

  • Apocatastasis: Probably better than Addle, since you target the tank.
  • Surecast is the only other skill than can POSSIBLY improve your DPS…

As you can see, it’s slim pickings for Caster Role Actions. The other skills are iffy for “casual random dungeon runs”.

The order is largely irrelevant, but the above is a decent ordering given the dungeons you will encounter when you scale down to <50.

Caster DPS Role Actions for Raids


Erase has a special mention here. DoT’s are a common “punishment” for some failed mechanics. If you can remove it with Erase, it increases the value of this skill by a mile.

A lot of the Caster Role Actions are very situational. While I hope you got a general idea for their use in raids – observation and adaptation will be key to maximizing them.

Caster DPS Role Actions – Navigation:
List | Discussion | For Dungeons | For Raids

Well, that’s about it for Caster DPS Role Actions! Some pretty useful stuff here for raiding. From what I see proper utilization of these can really set casters apart…

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