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FFXIV Caster DPS Role Actions: Guide & FAQ (Dawntrail UPDATE)


Here’s quick  guide about Magical Ranged Role Actions! (previously the cross-class skills system). This time around, we no longer have to choose – and have access to all Role Actions! (As a note, people informally refer to these classes as “Caster”)

Dawntrail Update: Added Pictomancer (PCT) into the mix. Dawntrail changes are:

  • Addle: Duration up to 15s from 10s. (L98)
  • Swiftcast: Cooldown reduced to 40s from 60s. (L94)
What Jobs get the Magical Ranged Role Actions?

Job Classes

Black Mage (BLM)
Pictomancer (PCT)
Red Mage (RDM)
Summoner (SMN)

Base Classes

Arcanist (ACN)
Thaumaturge (THM)

Caster DPS Role Actions – Navigation:
Caster Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Magical Ranged Role Actions List

8AddleLowers target's intelligence and mind by 10% for 10s.10Instant90
10SleepPuts targets to Sleep in an AoE.302.52.5
14Lucid DreamingRegain MP over time.21Instant60
18SwiftcastNext spell is cast without cast time.10Instant40
44SurecastSpells can be cast without interruption. Ignore most position altering effects.6Instant120

Swiftcast improves it’s cooldown from 60 to 40 via Role Trait at L94.

Caster DPS Role Actions: Quick Strategy & Discussion

Here we talk a little bit about each of the role actions, and their applications.


Very useful for raids and other boss fights. Severely reduces the targets magic damage for a short period of time. Usually used to help mitigate heavy tank busters or raid AoE. Remember it only works on magic damage!


An AoE sleep spell with giga long duration. Amazing for story content. (Sleep -> interact). Very niche to borderline useless otherwise.

Lucid Dreaming

Slowly restores mana. Should be used often (I suppose) for Red Mages, Summoners, and Picto to regain mana over longer fights. Is it even useful for Black Mages!?


Usefulness depends from class to class, but generally speaking any caster can benefit from this. Will mostly be used to “move while doing a cast”, and can be saved for a fast Resurrection for Summoners.

Can improve DPS by converting longer (2.5+) cast speed spells into instant ones.


Anti-knockback. Super useful for raiding. Negating a knockback is huge to “cheese” mechanics, but also prevents your cast bar from being interrupted.

Swiftcast improves via Role Trait at L94.

Caster DPS Role Actions – Navigation:
Caster Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Well, that’s about it for the Magical Ranged Role Actions! FOR NOW! I’ll be adding to this soon.

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